Mama's Boyz by Jerry Craft. The whole time the mom was excited because she thought her son was finally wearing his pants correctly and not sagging them, when it was really just a pair of shorts. The shorts were just an illusion to his mom, and the son looked let down by his moms reaction in the end.
Living with Le$ by Lyman Dally. This strip is showing how much times have changed over the years. The dad was amazed that his son could look/fill out applications over the internet instead of going to the actual business. When his dad says "you got off your a$s and went out to look for one", the son proceeded to just take his laptop to the place and continue looking. He took what his dad said the complete wrong way.
Living with Le$ by Lyman Dally. This strip is showing how much times have changed over the years. The dad was amazed that his son could look/fill out applications over the internet instead of going to the actual business. When his dad says "you got off your a$s and went out to look for one", the son proceeded to just take his laptop to the place and continue looking. He took what his dad said the complete wrong way.